Friday, April 3, 2009

Observing Report April 1, 2009

It was just me, Tom and my friend Missy, but the skies were fantastic even with the moon. I even got my first real good split on Gamma Leonis! Anyways the items we observed were:

Saturn and 4 of it's moons

our own moon

Eta Persei, Gamma Andromedae, Tau Canis Major cluster, the "winter Albireo" just above former, Gamma Leonis and previously stated, Cor Caroli, and I think it was Castor that we looked at in Gemini - for stars

globular clusters were - M53, M3, M13, M68 and M5

open clusters were - M103, M34, M37, M44, M48, M93, M41, M50, M46, M47, NGC 2423, the double open in Perseus, NGC 2169 in Orion and Stargate and the Arrow in Virgo (if they're considered opens).

galaxies - M81/82, M108, M109, M106, M101, M51, M64, M65/66, M84/86, M49 and M104.

and also the following nebulae - M97, M42/43, NGC 2392 Eskimo, NGC 3242 the Ghost of Jupiter, and NGC 4361 in Corvus.

Those are the ones I can remember but there were probably more. Did I forget anything, Tom?

Is was a beautiful night and we stayed out until about midnight before coming in to hang out around the table for an hour of friendly chit chat. Thanks to both Tom and Missy for coming out!